
Saturday 23 October 2010

The beginning!

I'm a 23 year old woman and have suffered from panic attacks for 10 years now and I've also suffered on and off with agoraphobia. I say on and off, I've never really overcome it (yet!) but I've definitely had periods where I've been 'better'.

I've got to a stage in my life where I just feel that I can't do this any more, I feel I've gave in to my fears for far too long and I've missed out on so much in my life, which I'm sure a lot of you can agree with, and i'm just a bit pissed off that I've let myself go this long and feel that now it's time to fight back harder than I ever have done before. I mean I have nothing to lose but so much to gain.

I believe that agoraphobia can be overcame...which is a good start I suppose! This is the whole reason for starting this blogis that when I look back at things that I have achieved while being agoraphobic I wished that I had wrote it down to look back on, because there are some things that I think of now and I'm amazed that I managed it, for example, 2 years after I first became agoraphobic, I was going through a 'good phase' and managed to go on holiday (on a plane!), something I couldn't even dream of doing now. I have no idea how that happened. I'm hoping that with this blog I can keep a record of future achievements. Another major point for this blog is that I tend to find that when people with anxiety or agoraphobia are having good periods they don't tend to write about it or write that often and when you're looking for hope that one day it will end, there's nothing there. Personally this leaves me disheartened and makes it seems that no one have ever overcome agoraphobia, which I don't believe to be true.

I'm hoping that this will be the beginning of the journey to overcoming agoraphobia and getting my life back and I hope you'll benefit from reading about the good and bad experiences I go through on the way.


  1. Keeping a record is a good idea. It's so easy to forget the achievements we make and allow our anxious self to concentrate only on the negative. Strange things us human beings. Best wishes from a fellow sufferer. :D

  2. Yeah i'm really bad at focusing on the negative especially when things are going really bad. That's something I really need to change and i'm hoping that this blog will help.

    Thanks for reading :)

  3. It's been really helpful to me to blog, sometimes it even relieves my anxiety! I've also found it to be comforting to hear others stories who also live with agoraphobia. It's def. a good start to believe there is an end! I believe it too :)
