
Tuesday 17 April 2012


This is what I don't understand. In all the therapy I've had I've always been told that my anxiety & panic is caused by the thoughts and pictures I have. Which in theory makes sense. Here's the confusing part (well for me anyway); for the last few months I've felt extremely anxious when visiting my parents house, yesterday I went to visit them and my anxiety levels were low. I was thinking this is great and that maybe, despite the extremely low dose, the sertraline was maybe working a little. Today I was going to parents again and I wasn't worried about it at all. My thinking was positive and my anxiety was low and then out of nowhere - boom! A panic attack. Now I certainly wasn't thinking anxious thoughts or picturing anything 'bad' so why the panic attack and how do I get sporadic panic attacks under control if I'm not causing them.

I have asked previous therapists about this before and was told 'I MUST' be thinking of something anxiety provoking. I tried to use the why do I have them in my sleep then debate but have never gotten any answers.

I'm a bit confused and frustrated at the moment. I seem to be experiencing panic & anxiety in situations that I could handle before. I'm not sure if it's the sertraline or not but it better pass quickly!

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